Archives For December 31, 2011

Had to whip up an OmniGraffle stencil for jQuery Mobile. I submitted it to Graffletopia, but it isn’t live yet. You can download it here in the meantime. Just put in the user name > Library > Application Support > OmniGraffle > Stencils folder and unzip.

Another great resource to help in your mobile web design projects is the Glyphish icon library– free and inexpensive icons for your mockups.

Happy new year! I’m excited to say our group is continuing to grow, not just with more clients and projects, but in our experience as designers. In 2011 we had the good fortune to lead the design forImage

One thing that was common across many of these projects was the need for a comprehensive cross platform UX solution.

So we’re offering something new this year, a complete design and development solution for classic web apps + mobileĀ  web apps + installed apps for smartphones and tablets.

We’ve pulled together designers and developers from our little group to build the UXpert Team. Our team includes:

  • a senior UX designer
  • a creative lead
  • 2-4 very experienced developers to code the user interface and provide integration support

So if you have a project that needs expert help, our first opening is mid-January. Email me for details.

Update: we are booked until fall (Aug-Sept) 2012.