Archives For November 30, 2008

Flex 3 OmniGraffle Stencil

December 4, 2008 — 2 Comments

Just in case you need to whip up wire frames for Flex apps before Adobe’s Flash Catalyst) hits the market- here is my Flex 3 Stencil for OmniGraffle, posted at Graffletopia. I have used it for a couple of projects where I would rather be focusing my energy on brainstorming a good UI than nudging things around in Flex Builder.

OmniGraffle Flex 3 Stencil

OmniGraffle Flex 3 Stencil

Keep an eye out fro my next post. I am celebrating building my 20th major RIA with a list of 20 Essential UI components for RIA design, lots of Ajax and Flex examples. These aren’t the usual suspects either…